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String, indexOf

String indexOf example

This example declares tow strings: needle and haystack. Then the index of the needle in the haystack is printed in the console.


#project "String indexOf example"

#include "lib/modules/standard.whl"
#include "lib/modules/string.whl"

proc main()
    ; Declare a string and print it in the console:
    string haystack = "Hello, Hello, world"
    string needle   = "Hello"

    ; Find the needle string in the haystack and print the position in the console:
    number n = indexOf(haystack, needle, 0)
    printS("Index of:")

    ; Get the index of the next occurence of the needle string and print it in the console:
    n += 5
    n = indexOf(haystack, needle, n)
    printS("Next index of:")